With their exotic blooms and lush green foliage, Arum lilies make a great addition to the garden. The Arum lily, also known as Calla lily is available in a variety of colors including white, yellow, pink, orange, and purple. It is a genus of flowering plant that is actually not related to true lilies. In this post, we discuss how to grow Arum lily plants in containers.
Arum Lilies grow to a height of about 3 feet and produce exotic looking flowers that flare out like a funnel from its fleshy stalk.The flowers can grow as much as 10-inches long. They are quite spectacular to look at, with their slender, elegant blooms standing tall amidst dark green foliage.
They bloom well in the summer and during the winter months, you see yellowing of the leaves and the plant entering dormancy. Arum lily plants are a great addition to the garden specially as border plants but they make for even better gifts.
The white Arum lilies and the colored Arum lilies actually require slightly different growing conditions. The White Arum lily plant love moist cool conditions with sun and partial shade and love watery soil. The colored Arum lilies on the other hand love full hot sun and will rot if placed in boggy soil conditions and simply won’t bloom in the shade.
How to Grow Arum Lily – Instructions and Care
Arum lily is a rhizome. Just plant a bulb and it will start growing and dividing into multiple plants. You can also grow the plant from seeds that will germinate in 1 to 3 months.
Arum lily plants love soil that is moist, well drained and rich in humus. Any good potting mix can be used to plant these lilies. If you grow the lilies in a rich fertilized soil you will have great results. You can plant the rhizomes about 3 inches deep, leaving the tops exposed.
The most ideal location for growing colored Arum lilies is a sunny spot, one that is not too hot. Avoid planting in a location that is windy or subject to cold drafts. A semi shaded spot is also good. White Arum lilies on the other hand prefer partial shade.
The white Arum lily is a semi aquatic plant, which thrives well near water bodies. So it requires plenty of water to flourish. Make sure you water the plant generously during the growing season. Stop watering them during the dormant season.
The Arum lily must be well fertilized during the growing season. Use a liquid fertilizer every month to keep the plant happy and blooming. During the dormant periods, avoid fertilization as it may harm the plant.
You can add mulch to the surface to keep it from drying out if the weather is too hot and dry.
Just like with other lilies, the Arum lily will outgrow the container and become root bound. Hence it needs to be repotted in a bigger pot every few years. Take the root ball out of the pot and shake off all the loose soil. This would be a great time to divide the plant bulbs as well. Replant the bulbs with fresh potting soil.
Arum lillies are toxic for pets. Keep the plant away from dogs and cats because if they ingest this plant, they will need to be treated by a vet. Symptoms of poisoning include irritation in the mouth, problems swallowing, vomiting or any other unusual symptoms.
Now that you know the right growing conditions and care requirements for Arum lilies, you can grow them in your own garden and add a touch of elegance to it.
Thank you very much for the advice about growing my lovely Arum Lily it has been very nice over last few years but this year not so so I am taking your advice and putting it in a larger pot and see how it does (I will let you know I don’t think this very hot weather has done her any good either Thank you again for your advice.