Do you want a healthy sustainable garden? Although sunlight, water and nutrients will help your plants grow well, there is a certain wisdom in companion planting that have helped farmers for ages. Companion plants are basically different groups of plants that are planted together to help each other grow. They provide a ton of benefits, which you can read about here, but in this post, I’ll share with you some useful companion plant pairings that you can try out in your own garden.
Companion Plant Pairings to Grow a Healthy Garden

Marigolds are a great companion for tomatoes as they ward off insects and nematodes. If marigolds are hard to get, you can also plant onions, basil, rosemary, sage and parsley with your tomato crops.
Potatoes tend to attract a lot of pests, so you’ll need companions like the marigold to keep the pests away. You can also grow basil, peas and beans alongside potatoes who get along with them quite nicely while keeping them pest-free.
Onion and garlic are good companion plants for peppers while growing basil and marigold will keep the pests away.
If you are growing a bed of carrots consider adding lettuce and radish plants as companions. Marigolds are helpful in keeping pests away as well so it wouldn’t hurt to have them close by.
Beans, peas, carrots, and radishes grow well with cucumbers while marigold and sunflower plants will keep the cucumber beetles away.
Spinach likes to grow in the shade of other plants so it wouldn’t hurt to add plants like beans and radish to the mix.
If you have a collection of roses make sure you plant garlic alongside as it is a turn off for the insects that attract them. If you prefer to have an ornamental companion, consider growing marigolds. You can also consider growing these ornamentals and herbs to help your vegetables.
You should know by now that Marigolds are a gardener’s weapon against insects and pests. They are a great addition to roses and most vegetables and can be grown in batches near any plants except beans and cabbage.
Sweet Alyssum
These plants have the tendency to grow along the soil thereby preventing weeds from growing. Plus their sweet smelling flowers are a great attraction for bees.
Sunflowers are not only an ornamental delight, they also offer shade and support for tender weak stemmed plants and attract bees to your garden.
Chrysanthemums aren’t just a beauty addition to your garden, they are also powerful insect repellents.
Dahlias are another group of tubers that bear gorgeous flowers year after year and play a powerful role in repelling nematodes.
This pungent plant puts off insects while its flowers attract bees. A double whammy and a must have companion plant for any garden.
Apart from its medicinal uses, the holy basil is also a good insect repellent. They also help in growing flavorful tomatoes and peppers.
These are just some of the common companion plants you can have in your garden. When you are preparing to set up your terrace garden make sure to incorporate these plants in your plan as well. Most of these plants will grow well in containers and don’t need much space so you don’t have to be worried.
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